Can Churches Partnering Together Resolve Church Division?

by | Dec 15, 2014 | Book | 0 comments


Why does something so simple, so intuitive, so clear in the Christian faith, so hard, awkward, and difficult? Churches partnering together. Authors Chris Bruno and Matt Dirks do their best to lay a biblical framework for why churches should partner together. They tackle the fears: “Don’t they wear t-shirts on stage?” “They don’t have a pulpit.” “Everyone wears a suit.” “Their worship sounds like a U2 concert.” “They only use an organ when they sing.” “They raise their hands.” “They speak in tongues.” “They have a pastor on video.” These are all valid concerns when partnering with other local expressions of faith.

I think a key thing to remember as we look at churches partnering together is that every local church is they way it is for a reason. All different types of people worship and learn in different ways. Local churches are expressions of our individual worship and learning styles. Different types of churches exist because God is a unique and creative Artist who sculpted billions of masterpieces in us. (Eph 2:10).

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Very recently my church was able to come together and partner up with a local ministry in order to accomplish a greater work for the kingdom by simply having our partners give $1. Check out the story video here.

It’s incredible to see what can happen when we overcome our fears and put our faith in the the universal church rather than huddling together focused only inward on ourselves. Bruno and Dirks paint a vivid picture of the why, how, and when churches should partner together. This is a great read for ministries looking to branch out and expand their influence.

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