I still remember it, sitting in the computer lab at college and getting invited.
I wasn’t sure it was something I should be involved in.
It was so exciting.
All my friends were doing it. Even friends from back home had told me a bit about it.
So I dove in… to Facebook.
This was my first major plunge into the realm of social media. I had used MySpace to support my musical endeavors and Xanga to host my blog, but Facebook was the first true social media connection I made. I quickly uploaded a profile picture and filled out my about me section. I set my relationship status and began to send invites to my other college email friends. You had to have a college email to sign up. It felt exclusive. It was something just for me and my peers.
Those were the days… the days… 13 years ago.
There are now people with entire careers formed around social media. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, and Path are all ways that we connect with the world around us. Social media has become a global phenomenon and model of communication that is necessary for any relevant form of modern business. Being aware of social media and how it functions is crucial.
For those that are new to social media, there are thankfully google has all the answers… ; ) Or for those who are still in love with ink and paper, Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick have given us a load of helpful tips in their book The Art Of Social Media.
The Art Of Social Media is a practical and helpful tool for those who are new to social media and also for those who are looking to raise their influence and understanding of it. There are literally hundreds of tips in the book. Everything from how to choose a great profile picture, font pairing and more. It’s a great resource for anyone wanting to grow their social media skill set.