Called To Be Saints

by | Nov 11, 2015 | Book | 0 comments

51JW3SR41gL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Our journey’s of faith often begin the same way, with a prayer. Whether it was at the prompting of a loved one, the call of a pastor, or the heart of a friend we were brought to a place of understanding who God is and who we are not.

We all started from a centrical origin. We began with trusting in Jesus and asking for the forgiveness of our sins.

Where do we go from there?

What’s next?

These are questions that Gordon Smith answers in his book Called To Be Saints: An Invitation To Christian Maturity. Jesus calls us to a faith that is alive. He calls us to a life that is abundant. So our faith journey doesn’t stop at a prayer. Our faith journey propels us forward into a life marked by obedience, love, trust, risk, discipline, prayer, and worship. We are made righteous at salvation. We are justified. Our sins are forgiven and we made new through the sacrificial atonement of Christ.

Every decision and day from then forward is a march into our new life with Christ. I don’t believe that we our ongoing sanctification pushes us toward sainthood. I believe that we are saints at salvation and that we are from then forward figuring out our salvation. We are working through the life that we live on earth through the lens of the Holy Spirit.

Called To Be Saints is an exploration into our sanctification. It’s a bit of a hard read, but a good one none the less.

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