Jamie Tworkowski is the founder of To Write Love On Her Arms. TWLOHA is a clothing company and a sounding board for hope. It’s a company that began with the story of Renee. Renee was a cocaine addict, and a cutter. She felt like she had nothing to live for until a group of friends showed her what it meant to truly be loved. The company name comes from this story in which Renee with a razor blade had written “F*** Up” on her arms. Jamie decided he would show her what it meant for LOVE to take it’s place.
[Tweet “Live with dignity and grace it is a middle finger to the darkness. #IfYouFeelTooMuch @jamietworkowsk”]
If You Feel Too Much is a collection of stories about life and loss and love and the human experience. Pulled from Jamie’s own blog, found at twloha.com, these are some moments that Jamie invites the reader into a piece of his experience. Divided up into various timelines – you feel as though you walk with Jamie through his own journey.
[Tweet “Who can say why we love something or feel something? … perhaps it starts with truth. #IfYouFeelTooMuch @jamietworkowski”]
I found myself more than once crying while listening to this book (Audible). The stories are raw and beautiful and full of love. They are unashamed and unafraid of darkness. They dive headfirst into hope and come out of the waters better for it. This book is a must read for all.