#whatmattersmost by @LenSweet

by | Oct 8, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

What is belief/faith in Jesus Christ?

That is a question that I myself have attempted to answer for friends, and I wish that I would have cracked the pages of Sweet’s book before I cracked open my mouth with an answer. Sweet begs readers and seekers to see belief/faith as more than just a bunch of ideas. Ideas are great – Ideas are wonderful. But, sold out obedience is a whole different ball game. Yes, I am not talking legalistic, law-abiding obedience; I am talking about allowing the reality of Christ to sink so deep into your heart that He takes it over. In other words, you do not have (floating around somewhere in your mind) ideas of how life is with Christ. Instead, you have your hardened heart begging to obey the things that Jesus exhorted you to cling to! Most importantly, you cling to God. “Belief can exist in isolation, but faith requires a relationship.” – Sweet

The book begs one to redefine the word “faith” and pull it out of the minuscule box called “belief.” The book is great for pastors, who work alongside people wondering what “faith” looks like. Also, I would encourage anyone who wants to know what belief faith in Christ really looks like to pick up a copy of this.

Back cover reads:

Why wade in the shallows of belief when you can plunge into the depths of faith? Belief involves a different way of thinking, but faith brings about a new way of living. It grows through direct experience and a close relationship, both of which come as you follow Jesus.

A Christians we often talk about developing a “personal relationship” with Christ, but instead of pursuing a relationship, we pursue knowledge. We are tempted to place confidence in our definite, settled beliefs, which offer a pale substitute for the daily adventure of an honest relationship with Jesus.

In What Matters Most, Leonard Sweet presents a challenging and compelling approach to belief that is joined by dynamic engagement with God. You are invited to explore the uncharted regions of faith by following Jesus, completely on his terms. Once you begin, you will never go back to mere belief.

Pick up your own copy here!

*This book was free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group with my promise to post an unbiased review.

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